Edulution – successful start in South Africa


Edulution got off to a successful start in South Africa. In 2023, 28 learning centers have already been opened and over 8000 learners are using the learning software.

Edulution continues to achieve excellent results among learners. Learners who learn with the Edulution tablets perform significantly better than their peers in test results. This is particularly remarkable because Edulution is not active in privileged districts, but rather in remote areas or townships.

In addition, thanks to Edulution, formerly unemployed young people have found and continue to find work as coaches. The innovative technology also effectively involves teachers and helps them to acquire relevant ICT skills.

Further learning centers are to be added in 2024.



Problematic situation in South Africa

The South African education system is in crisis. Pupils in public schools are often several years behind their grade level, and the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated an already dire situation

64% of the country's young people are unemployed and the school dropout rate is increasing year on year. Edulution has set itself the task of breaking this cycle. Edulution wants to help break this cycle.


Edulution – successful launch in South Africa

The Happel Foundation

Areas of Activity

The Happel Foundation supports projects according to the principle of “help for self-help”.

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About the foundation

The Happel Foundation Switzerland is a charitable Swiss foundation based in Lucerne.