Projects International

Alleviate poverty permanently in delevoping countries

The Happel Foundation is expanding its activities in developing countries in Asia and Africa. The aim is to alleviate poverty permanently. The foundation is active primarily in the areas of

  • food security,
  • health,
  • education and
  • entrepreneurship.

By promoting the use of technology and novel effective approaches, the foundation strives for efficiency and economies of scale.


Here we present some of our current international projects:

Help for pregnant women thanks to technology

Help for pregnant women in Kenya is now available digitally. Thanks to modern communication technology, women receive support anytime and anywhere. Specialists provide advice regarding all aspects of pregnancy and newborns. This saves them exhausting journeys, hours of queuing and high treatment costs.

Edulution - Learning software takes into account strengths and weaknesses

Edulution – Individual learning with tablets and software

Edulution supplements the overburdened state school systems in Zambia and South Africa with so-called learning centres. There the children can learn after the regular lessons – basic knowledge in mathematics and English is taught by means of tablets and special learning software. Each child is given its own account. This way they can learn individually, actively and at their own pace. The children are attended to by specially trained coaches.

Bankmitarbeitende kommen in die Textilfabriken

Sarathi – Progress through improved financial health

The textile industry in Bangladesh employs over four million workers and was largely cash-based until a few years ago. Workers need access to formal financial services such as savings, insurance and credit products. This will enable them to cushion financial shocks and achieve savings goals. In addition, interested women receive training in entrepreneurship.

Praxisorientierte Kurzausbildung für junge Menschen ohne Berufsabschluss dank des YES-Projektes der Helvetas mit Unterstützung der Happel Foundation Schweiz.

YES – short vocational training for school dropouts

In Tanzania, young men and women who dropped out of school receive short, practical training courses. Currently, they learn the necessary skills and competencies in eleven occupational fields – such as electrical installation, bakery, cosmetics or beekeeping. This makes it easier for them to find suitably paid employment on the labor market and permanently improve their living conditions. In addition, interactive learning units enable self-study via cell phone at the participants’ own learning pace.

HarvestPlus provides a healthy meal for school children in India.

HarvestPlus – Healthy meals for school children

HarvestPlus provides healthy meals for school children in India. The children receive a cooked, hot meal every day. The food is prepared from fortified crops and is particularly rich in nutrients. As a result, the children are not only healthier, but stay in school longer. In order to be able to source the food locally, farmers are trained in terms of variety selection and cultivation methods. The farmers, in turn, can secure their income. This creates a value chain from seed to school plate.

Dank Wasserkiosken erhalten Menschen in Kambodscha sauberes Trinkwasser.

1001fontaines – clean drinking water thanks to water kiosks

People in rural areas of Cambodia receive clean drinking water thanks to so-called “water kiosks”. These are innovative micro-enterprises that sell drinking water in 20-liter bottles. The clean drinking a positive impact not only on health, but on the entire economy of the region.

Waldprodukte wie Harz und Gewürze nachhaltig nutzen

Pholin – Using forest products efficiently and ecologically

The smallholders in the highlands of Laos should be able to secure their incomes in the future through sustainably gained non-timber forest products such as resin and spices. To this end, they learn the technical, organizational and entrepreneurial skills. By establishing stable value chains, the economy in the region can thus be set up in a fundamentally sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Thanks to cooperatives, producers, service providers and buyers are linked.

SAVC – Smallholder farmers in Nepal jointly shift to market-oriented agriculture

Smallscale farmers in remote areas in Nepal jointly shift to market-orientated agriculture. Among other things, they receive technical support for production and help in marketing selected agricultural products. The establishment of cooperatives is intended to create stable value chains for fruit, vegetables and livestock, thus securing the smallholders’ income in the long term.

HrvestPlus fördert den Anbau von mit Vitamin-A angereichtem Mais

HarvestPlus – Fortified staple crops in Zimbabwe

HarvestPlus aims to counteract the consequences of malnutrition through foods enriched with iron, zinc and vitamin A. Through so-called biofortification, staple crops such as corn, potatoes, beans, etc. are further developed. The focus is on switching to nutrient-rich, high-yielding and climate-friendly varieties. In Zimbabwe, a biofortified food basket (iron beans, vitamin A corn and vitamin A sweet potatoes) is going to be distributed via commercial markets, also using a digital plattform.

InELAM - Creating jobs in the home country Nepal

InELAM – Create jobs in the home country

Helvetas’ InELAM project further develops the successful ELAM project (2017-2020). It promotes the establishment of small businesses in Nepal with local resources and on the basis of developed value chains and market analyses. In this way, the potential of returnees and remittances from emigrated workers can also be used optimally and jobs can be created in the home country.

MITO - Further developed nut machines are now being used

MITO – Nut machine brings progress to Nepal

Small farmers in the Karnali region of Nepal cultivate their fields under difficult climatic conditions. The sale of walnut oil opens a way out of poverty for them. Thanks to specialized machinery, the oil can be produced and sold much more efficiently. The additional income significantly increases the quality of life of the small farmers and their families.

Abalobi, South Africa - Small-scale fisherman in port with catch

Abalobi – App for fishermen in South Africa

Abalobi is a smartphone application for small-scale fishermen in South Africa. The small-scale fishermen and their families live in great poverty. Using the Abalobi app, they can sell their catch simply and directly to restaurants, hotels, etc. in the region. This considerably increases their sales opportunities in competition with large suppliers, thus providing them with a secure income and cementing their place in the regional value-added chain.

The Happel Foundation

Areas of Activity

The Happel Foundation supports projects according to the principle of “help for self-help”.

Sponsorship application

Sponsorship applications can only be submitted online on our application platform.

About the foundation

The Happel Foundation Switzerland is a charitable Swiss foundation based in Lucerne.