Help for pregnant women

Project partner: Malaica

Help for pregnant women thanks to technology

Digitally accompanied through the pregnancy

Pregnancy is always a health risk for women, especially in sub-Saharan countries. Maternal mortality in Kenya, for example, is around 100 times higher than in EU countries. There is little or no medical help for pregnant women, especially in rural areas. The distances to doctors or midwives are often long and exhausting. Or the women simply lack the money for treatment.

The Malaica program aims to change this situation and help pregnant women. The idea is to provide women with digital medical support throughout their pregnancy – anytime and anywhere. Specialists, primarily midwives, take care of all the concerns of the expecting mothers online.

Help throughout the entire pregnancy

Pregnant women receive urgently needed support thanks to digital pregnancy support. This

  • reduces maternal mortality,
  • reduces morbidity (i.e. the consequences of illness or disability during pregnancy),
  • women receive advice on breastfeeding,
  • women receive support in organizing the family,
  • women receive support with insurance matters.

„I was there by 5:30am queueing with so many women. When I finally was seen, it lasted about 3 minutes. I was told to go to a private hospital and pay for tests.”
Woman reports on conditions for pregnant women in Kenya

High costs for expectant mothers for treatment

If pregnant women have to go to hospital for an examination or medical advice, it is inconvenient and expensive for them.

  • They are unable to work for a long time as they often have to queue for hours.
  • Traveling to a hospital is often exhausting and expensive.

Digital pregnancy support can reduce the costs for women significantly.

A team of experienced gynecologists, midwives and health experts is there to support women online.

Experienced team offers online help for pregnant women

Thanks to Malaica, pregnant women can get the advice they need from specialists quickly and easily. A team of experienced gynecologists, midwives and health experts answer women's questions online.

Accompanying women throughout their pregnancy

Grafik zeigt die Hilfe für Schwangere als sogenannte Journey während der gesamten Schwangerschaft

Malaica offers online help for pregnant women in Kenya. This significantly improves the situation of women and their (unborn) children.

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 Happel Foundation | Malaica

The Happel Foundation supports Malaica in providing significant help for pregnant women in Kenya through the use of modern technology.

The Happel Foundation

Areas of Activity

The Happel Foundation supports projects according to the principle of “help for self-help”.

Sponsorship application

Sponsorship applications can only be submitted online on our application platform.

About the foundation

The Happel Foundation Switzerland is a charitable Swiss foundation based in Lucerne.