Project partner: Pragya
Pragya helps small-scale farmers in remote mountain villages to establish a sustainable livelihood. Due to the extreme seclusion of the villages and the difficult weather conditions in the Himalayas, the people there live in poverty and and are marginalized in society. The infrastructure is underdeveloped. The people there have no access to education and health care. In addition, the sensitive ecosystem of the Himalayas is noticeably exposed to climate change.
Pragya brings development and progress to the regions. Training courses show people ways to lift themselves out of poverty through new cultivation methods and cooperation – in harmony with nature and taking into consideration their cultural heritage.
The people in the Himalayas live from agriculture. Each small family works a parcel of land. Despite the extremely difficult conditions in the mountains, new cultivation methods ensure a reliable harvest.
Pragya offers access to clean drinking water and the health system. Hygiene and sanitation are key to the healthy physical and psychological development of children in particular.
The effects of natural disasters must be mitigated in the best possible way – through sustainable management in the sensitive ecosystem, and through the necessary infrastructure and cooperation of the small-scale farmers.
Pragya helps small-scale farmers in remote mountain villages to establish a sustainable livelihood. It brings development and progress to the regions – in harmony with nature and taking into consideration their cultural heritage.
The Happel Foundation supports projects according to the principle of “help for self-help”.
Sponsorship applications can only be submitted online on our application platform.
The Happel Foundation Switzerland is a charitable Swiss foundation based in Lucerne.