Listened to – Support for relatives of detainees

project partner: Heilsarmee

“listened to” – Support for relatives of detainees

Accompanying relatives of detainees

If a loved one is sent to prison, this is also very stressful for the entire family. Because relatives of detainees often do not know how to deal with the situation and feel excluded from their environment.

For this reason, the Heilmsarmee's Listened to-project supports and accompanies the relatives of imprisoned persons. In particular, it aims to prevent the social exclusion and social decline of close relatives of prisoners.

ANGEHÖRT - Angehörige von Inhaftierten müssen erst einmal lernen mit der Situation umzugehen.

Learning to cope with situation

Relatives of detainees have many questions: How can I cope with this situation? What do I tell those around me? How do I explain the situation to my child? What do I need to know if I want to make a visit to the prison? … and much more. 

Angehört bietet eine Anlaufstelle für Fragen.

Contact point for questions

Listened to is a contact point for family members. There they receive advice. Together, helpers and those affected work out sustainable and practicable solutions. The main aim is to prevent the social exclusion and relegation of close relatives of prisoners.

LISTENED TO - Online platform for sharing experiences and lessons learned

Online platform for exchange

The Heilsarmée also offers an online platform where relatives of detainees can network. There, they can exchange experiences and also support each other. The offer is free of charge and only requires access.

Listened to is an offer of the Heilsarmée. It offers a contact point for relatives of detainees. There they receive advice or can also network with other affected persons. The main aim is to prevent social exclusion and social decline.

Happel Foundation, Schweiz - Logo

Happel Foundation | Heilsarmee

⇒ The Happel Foundation supported the offer Listened to of the Heilsarmée, which offers help to relatives of detainees in this special situation. ⇐

Heilsarmee Logo

The Happel Foundation

Areas of Activity

The Happel Foundation supports projects according to the principle of “help for self-help”.

Sponsorship application

Sponsorship applications can only be submitted online on our application platform.

About the foundation

The Happel Foundation Switzerland is a charitable Swiss foundation based in Lucerne.